The Oceanside Longboard Surfing Club had a fun day volunteering at the Veteran’s Association of North County Food Distribution this past Friday. Everyone gathered in the VA parking lot and passed out food and diapers to military families. This drive by food distribution was a great way to pass out the food while maintaining social distancing, they just popped their trunk and we loaded it up. Thank you to the 19 volunteers who came to help out. On August 14th there will be another opportunity to volunteer, check your emails for info later this month.
OLSC Volunteers:
Gretchen Harris
Bing Cosby
Doreen Daligcon
John Moore
Scott Prestie
Alisa Prestie
Neil Switzer
Karen Costa
Stephen Ramnath
Eve Poteet
Blake Johnson
Gabriel Balz
Austin Bennett
Dustin Rosa
Bob Edwards
Leah Conroy
Cindy Eckhoff
George Eckhoff
Aden Jackson