Journal Entry; Ventura Invitational – Jack Stone / OLSC BOD Member
OLSC at Rincon Invitational
When: Sunday March 17, 9:00am
Where: Rincon Point (Queen of the Coast)
Conditions: 1′ – 3′ with occasional 4+’ers, Low tide, Glassy, glassy, glassy, 20 second to 45 plus second rides.
As I pulled into the south parking lot on Sunday at 7:00am I was a little worried that I would not get a spot luckily there were plenty unlike the day before.
Walked down the path to the beach. Sun was rising over the cliff that towers above the 101 hwy. Water was glistening as peeler waves rolled in and kept coming and coming and coming.
Walking back to parking lot later to get ready, ran into always stoked Pearce Mendoza. Up top, the 7siblings/Altimirano clan and family had arrived. Nice! Alex, Cannon, Dre, Thomas, Gavin, they even brought the young and old, Mahina, Aila and Tony. Turned around and there was John Kedroff brewing coffee, getting his vibe on. We were all here so we all got ready and met below for check in and rules briefing. One hour heat, OLSC only, tricks don’t score but long rides and party waves do. Ride anything you want to, don’t even think of dropping in on locals.
9:00 am, board turns from yellow to blue and we begin. Less than a minute in and were riding long 3′ peeling glassy faces. John and Pearce began to put on a long board clinic, smooth turns, cross stepping nose rides, dropped knee cutbacks, dang they looked freaking cool! Alex started to sneak outside , turns out he spotted the bomb wave of the day, (no surprise there), ripped across the face, drop knee cutback, fades back right, tucks in a bit and it goes like that for about another minute as he disappears off in the distance. Meanwhile the A-Team boys are ripping, making us all proud to have amazing gifted humble respectful young surfers that we can hang with. After an hour in this nature made wave pool we were done. Tired but stoked, satisfied that the drive was well worth it and then some. Sad the rest of the OLSC club missed out big time.
I was honored to hang out in the water with this classy group! Not sure how we scored as we all had to head out before the awards were announced, but I know I’ll be back!