Hello OLSC members! 

Bing, here, with a couple of things.  As I’m sure you’ve expected, the meeting this month is cancelled due to current COVID Stay at Home and social distancing orders. 

We hope you all are doing well and are being safe.  My family and I have been following all the recommendations, staying low profile and watching the world around us via social media and tv like I’m sure you are also. 

Members of the BOD and myself have been kicking around the idea of trying to help out and support our local community during this crazy time and would like your input. First off- helping our members. Please contact us if you have any needs personally that our club can help with.  We want to first take care of our OLSC family. 

 Secondly, as a well-respected San Diego non-profit organization, we would like to lend a hand in Oceanside/North County. Please share your suggestions for ways we can accomplish this. We’ve been considering various ways to give back to our community but seek your input. 

 Lastly, we are considering a donation of gratitude on behalf of OLSC such as having a meal delivered (pizza, sandwiches) for nurses and doctors on the front lines- Tri City and/or Camp Pendleton hospital. Again, open for thoughts and suggestions. 

 The BOD is continuing to track if we will be able to hold our annual contest in August. Our goal is to do so even if we have to scale back a bit, make adjustments and change our usual program. Many of you O’side locals have seen the current construction by the pier. The City’s construction timeline is also influencing our contest venue and we will keep an eye on that also. 

 We look forward to seeing all of you soon – in the water and at the meetings! 

 Stay safe,


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